Foundation Supports Train Up First

Foundation Supports Train Up First

Over the years, the John and Christine Tortorella Family Foundation for Giving Back have supported a variety of programs and organizations that enrich and protect the lives of others. At the basis of everything we do is our passion for humanity – for animals, people...
Brittany: Why we wrote “Stubby and Rusty”

Brittany: Why we wrote “Stubby and Rusty”

It all started when I was going to school to be a teacher! I was taking a class at Dowling College in Long Island called Early Childhood Physical and Art Education. I was assigned a project to write an educational children’s book, and my mom and I started...
Real Life Pictures From “Stubby & Rusty”

Real Life Pictures From “Stubby & Rusty”

The story of Stubby & Rusty is true! It took place in a beautiful island in Florida called Pass-a-grille. Here are some real-life photos from Pass-a- grille, Merry Pier and the Sea Bird Sanctuary, where the real Stubby recovered from his...